Sunday, June 12, 2011


please...Ya Allah....Jahiliyah please go away~!!!

i really hope that no one will read this...insyaallah xde saye x active my b no one will find this latest update....
td ptg rase btol2 rase kosong sgt.....pls ....then bile bkk page 176 of holy quran....ayt 201.....terase sgt....
xtau nk cter kt i just can release this burden to my blog.....
kenape mase kte wt dosa tu kte x terase pape pon?
knp bile da seda baru rse yg kte ni terok???tp betape sweet nye Allah bile kte gundah gulana cm tu...Allah pujuk hati kte dgn ayt2 manis Al-quran yg xpenah nk tensionkn balik dgn ape yg kte da buat tu.....malu x dgn Allah??
Ya allah jgnlah tarik balik sgala nikmat yg telh diberikn kepadaku ini...sungguh ak ni hamba mu yg plg lemah.....
daihoshimono wa........khusnul hotimah...aka PENGAKHIRAN YG BAEEK~ tok my family my friends my teachers....amin...